Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash
Here you’re going to find some reading—some short, some longer—on many of the big ideas you’ve been hearing about. We also give you some ways to approach some of your big challenges.

What to do with your FIRO-B Results.
in this post, Tom illustrates many ways to apply the results of a FIRO-B instrument.

Alternatives to Brainstorming
In our earlier post, To B or not to B…What we Know about Brainstorming, we made two basic arguments. First, we said that the way we typically do brainstorming today—following the common rules—is not the best way to do brainstorming. Second, we acknowledged that not all problems are well-suited to brainstorming, and said we would follow up with a post describing some of the valuable alternatives. Well, here’s that post.