You Become what you Focus on.
You’re walking through a city you’ve never visited before. What are you focused on? Shop windows? Architecture? The way people talk?
You’re sitting in a meeting at work. What are you focused on? The friendly faces of your colleagues? The “weird” look you got from your boss when you spoke last? The typo on the slide that’s being projected?
At every moment of your life—every moment—there are nearly countless things you could be paying attention to. The ones you choose have an unbelievable impact on your experiences, your feelings, the information you collect and therefore the opinions you form. And it happens almost invisibly and automatically almost all the time.
You can shrug and tell yourself that’s just how it is, or you can do something about it—you can choose to put your attention on things, people, experiences and thoughts that help you become the person you want to be.
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