To a great extent, the world really is what you make of it.
The environment you live in is happy to help you if you make an effort to help it.
Let’s be honest. If you ignore your neighbors, most of them are going to ignore you, at least most of the time. If you don’t invest in friendships, you won’t have friends rushing to help you when you need help. Treat them badly enough long enough, and even family may lose interest in you.
The opposite is also true: show up for your neighbors, friends, family and co-workers, and most of them will be there for you when you need them.
You really do get back from the world what you put into it:
If you want support, give support. If you want empathy, give empathy. If you want to live in a community, participate in a community.
And what happens when you experience more support, more empathy, more community? Your beliefs change. Once again, the power of outside-in growth takes over.
The systems you contribute to—and from which you can expect help—have a major impact on your ability to become the person you want to be.