Friends and Favorites
Like you, we’ve got some favorite partners—people and organizations we are impressed with, who make us better, who help us grow. Here are some we think you’ll love.
Inclusion meets Technology
Redfern’s founders, Allison and Steve Mahaley are doing incredible work helping organizations reach insights and make changes in how they think about inclusion. One of the fascinating things they do is put you, as a participant, in someone else’s shoes through virtual reality. You get to feel, first-hand, what a microagression is. It will change you.
Mid-Career Coach
Shyam Sadasivan is an amazing coach who specializes in helping mid-careerists think about what’s next for them, whether that’s excelling in their current job, looking for a new position or starting their own venture. He’s also our partner in India, so we help one another reach people it would be hard to reach alone.
Not just for Men
You probably know this site and the podcast that goes with it. If you don’t, check it out. While it’s called the Art of Manliness, it’s really the Art of Being an Awesome Person. Thousands of amazing articles; hundreds of fascinating guests. If you’ve been wondering about it, Brett and Kate McKay have probably looked into it and made it super accessible.
Visceral Learning
In Extremis Consulting is not for everyone. It’s right for you if you crave high-energy, high-impact experiences. Learning the basics of clearing a house, mountaineering, narrative scenarios. This is what happens when corporate leadership development meets the Marine Corps. Literally.